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Flower field Sessions ....

Flower session dairy dates:

Bear in mind dates do change slightly due to weather leading up to the flowering time

You will need to book in before hand to allow me to have a space for you

Beginning to end of April 3.30pm - Rape seed fields

Rase seed fields

Beginning to End of April 3.30pm till dusk

You will not find a more vibrant field than a Rase seed field, they are a fantastic busrt of colour

End April – May 4pm = Blue Bell sessions in Billericay, Basildon, Brentwood or we can come to your local field

May – July 5pm = Lavender fields in Kent

End July = Sunflower fields in Stanford Lee Hope and Chelmsford

August = Meadows, these are spread around the whole of Essex, these are an extramly relaxed session for all ages

Pumpkins = I have not done these before, I am just looking for the best places to be able to shoot, any ideas welcome

In the Blue Bells .

End April – May 4pm till dusk

Blue Bell sessions are all over Essex, we can do this in your local Blue Bells

These are one of my favorites, the carpet that cascades down the hills within our woods all of a suddern in breathtaking, it's the images of story books and an unmissable opportunity

Suitable for families as well as single children, pets can be included

Lavender fields in Kent

May – July 5pm till dusk

When first turned the corner in the car and I caught my first sight of the Lavander bushes all lined up in neat rows, row after row, field after field, I couple have cried, they are stunning and the heady smell that washes in and out of the car as you drive on getting closer, desperate to glimps another look at them and when they appear, the second look is just as Beautiful.

I Loved Lavender before I went, so to be surrounded, to be there in the lilac Beauty and wash of clam was just an amazing day.

Best bit you can take home a great selection of lavender goodies

Sunflower fields

End July till dusk, in Stanford Lee Hope and Chelmsford

Happiness is in every Sunflower, I have some great places to visit, really well layed out fields, they are beautiful images

You can take home Sunflowers to have at home

I hope you can join us very soon on our flower field adventures xx


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